Document Keywords Are Lowercase Singular And Line Separated
One of the most important fields to define are keywords, because they help showing
related topics or searching for keyword related documents. Keywords allow us
to structure the large amount of documentation documents into useful groups. To
not end up with a million keywords, the following rules must be followed:
- One keyword per line, no commas
- Names can be mixed case, like ERP5, MySQL, Senna
- All other keywords are lowercase
- All keywords are singular
- Seperate words by space, nothing else
- Publication sections are NOT keywords
- Follow-Up Products (like ERP5, SlapOS, etc) are NOT keywords
Good examples:
portal catalog
These are helpful keywords. ERP5 is defined to not mix with other software
solutions, search will return this document for all users looking for
information on searching in ERP5. portal catalog is written without underscore
("_") and MySQL as a name can be written in mixed case.
Bad examples:
Open Source
Commas will become part of the keywords, defining documentation
will make all other documentation documents show up as related documents. HowTo
is mixed case without space as separator and like documentation defined
in publication_section
, so they don't belong here. portal_skins
uses underscore and plural, as does modules. ERP and Open Source
use wrong case and are unrelated to the document. We can always add generic search
engine optimization tags to a document when rendering but - as keywords are not relevant for
search engine optimization currently, we should use them to properly structure content on ERP5. Altogether,
this is too many keywords for a document. Use keywords in a smart way and start
out with a list of keywords from a related document